Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Website Addition

Check out the brand new Eastern Germany tab to learn more about the area we are planning to move to. Pray for us as we get the first team together to go.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

English Camp

The Czech English camp our youth group is participating in has started today. Please, pray for them this week. Pray for opportunities, courage, unity, and maturity. Also, pray for Joel who has been asked to preach at one of the Czech churches a week from this Sunday.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Missions Trip

Joel and our high school youth group Quest left today for a two and a half week missions trip to a Josiah Venture English Camp in the Czech Republic. Please pray for safety while they are traveling, courage and opportunity for our students, and open hearts for those they are ministering to.
Also, pray for Eliana and I while we wait at home for Daddy to come back :-)