Saturday, October 8, 2011

Welcome, Carrie and George!

We are very excited to announce that our close friends Carrie and George Vera are now officially a part of the JV Eastern Germany team.
A little over a year ago, God first laid on their hearts to consider joining us and Josiah Venture in former East Germany. As it became more clear to them that God was opening doors and calling them to full time mission work, they began conversations with Josiah Venture and - as you already know from a previous blog update - they were able to attend Josiah Venture's spring conference in the Czech Republic in May. They completed their application process over the summer and are now officially accepted. It happened just in time for Josiah Venture's fall orientation, which they were able to attend last week.
George and Carrie have a heart for reaching young people for Christ and have worked with youth in various settings. We believe our personalities and areas of strength will complement each other and make us a good team. George and Carrie have a 20 months old daughter and are expecting their second child in March of 2012. They are now also in the process of raising support in hopes to move to Eastern Germany by next fall.
We will keep you updated as their profile goes up on the Josiah Venture website. Would you pray for them as they prepare to move overseas and raise support? Would you prayerfully consider supporting both of our families and the Josiah Venture ministry in Eastern Germany?
Please, also pray for us as we still hope to recruit more team members even while we are still in the support raising process. Thank you for your support.