Friday, February 17, 2012

Ups and Downs

February started out with the celebration of my (Ellen's) spiritual birthday about which you heard in detail. Thank you for your many encouraging comments on my testimony in person or via Facebook.

Also, during the first week, we had the privilege of seeing two of our old Moody friends: Bethany, who I had not seen in 5 years, and our dear friend Ashley, who come to stay with us overnight. This time with friends was encouraging and refreshing.  

During this past week both of us have experienced what felt like spiritual attacks in form of discouragement and stress that left us less than productive. After sharing this with friends, we have felt the effects of their prayers and been uplifted.

Please, continue to pray for us as we spend time as a family, minister at church and at work, and as we raise support. We are beyond grateful for your support.

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