Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Summer of Ministry

I hope all of you are enjoying this beautiful summer. As our youth ministry summers usually go, we have been busy with all sorts of wonderful things.

We enjoyed a retreat with our youth group, celebrated the graduation of our seniors, and Joel had the opportunity to officiate the wedding of one of our former youth group students. What a blessing! Enjoy some pictures on our facebook page.

In addition, our fundraising efforts continued with several meetings in the last few weeks. The Lord has allowed us to share our hearts for Eastern Germany with a number of people and we have gained three new monthly financial supporters since our last update. We are excited to say that we have raised 53% of our start-up costs. Our monthly support level remains at 28% pledged. Please, pray for us as we continue to trust the Lord for the remainder and as always, please be prayerful, asking God if He may have you join our team as a monthly financial partner.

Our teammate George enjoyed his trip to Leipzig, Germany (see last post). He had a chance to meet several churches and we continue to pray for wisdom as to which church the Lord is leading them to for the first few years in Germany. We appreciate your prayers for guidance.

The churches in Leipzig are certainly looking forward to having us arrive soon - and so are we. Yet, we are finding ourselves at a lower level of monthly support pledged than we first hoped. Please, pray for us during this time of waiting - for direction and encouragement during this stretching time.

We appreciate your prayers and support!