Joel and I are of the rare breed of people who actually like change. We find it kind of exciting and invigorating. It makes us stay all the more closer to God to listen for His direction and it ignites in us a new passion for advancing His Kingdom. We love when God brings about some changes with a clear sense of direction.
Yesterday was the deadline for us to decide whether or not we wanted to renew our lease for our current apartment. We had already asked for an extension on this decision as we were unsure if God wanted us to move or make a change in our lives that would allow us to improve our current fundraising process and get to Germany quicker.
About two weeks ago, Joel and I decided to apply for a house parenting position that we had previously ruled out because it asked for a two year minimum commitment. We decided to apply and explain our situation - we would want to be able to leave when our support is raised and very much hope that it will not take us another full two years.
They interviewed us and we felt great about our conversation with them. We continued to pray about how the house parenting duties would fit into our lives and soon started to love the idea of being house parents even though we saw some scheduling issues. The job required us to spend time with the young ladies in the complex in the evenings and we both already work two evenings a week each.
A few days after the interview (so about a week ago), Joel received a call with another possible job offer for a ministry project in the area. While I especially had started to get impatience while waiting for God's direction so close to our lease deadline, this process all of a sudden became fun. We were wondering what God was up to and which of these project He wanted us to be involved in.
Well you read the title so you may have already guessed that were not offered the house parenting position - mostly because of our scheduling issues as mentioned above. The discussion about the area ministry project is still in the works but it looks like God is providing a great avenue of evangelism as well as a little more income for us.
So, yesterday we made the call and renewed our lease for this apartment for another year. The reality that it may take us another year or longer to get to Germany is a little hard to swallow but nothing brings peace like God's clear leading. There was no mistaking His guidance - He shut all other doors. And we know full well that we will be moving overseas in His timing, which can be outside of lease contracts, human logic, and our personal desires. In the meantime, He has provided us with a loving church home, a roof over our heads and much more, and a ministry in His Kingdom.
How has God motivated you to search for His leading lately? And is it something new or more of the same? Feel free to respond below on the blog or send us an email. We would love to hear what God has been doing in your life. And let us know how we can pray for you.