Tuesday, February 26, 2013

JV in 2012

Josiah Venture's annual report is out and you can access it at the link below. We are especially excited that JV's expansion to Eastern Germany is listed as a hope for 2013.


Our next vision trip to Leipzig with our new team members is right around the corner. We have 5 days of meetings planned with churches, Christian organizations working with youth and young adults in Leipzig, and some time for us to talk with JV president Dave Patty, who is joining us for part of the trip.

In other news, I am beginning the process of applying for American citizenship as this will allow our family to move more easily between countries on furloughs and extended stays. Germany usually does not allow dual citizenship but I was able to apply for an exception based on our circumstances and permission was recently granted.

Praise God for:
- Great and promising meetings scheduled for our vision trip
- Finally receiving permission for dual citizenship
- Josiah Venture's excitement to see the ministry expand to Eastern Germany

Please pray for:
- Remaining vision trip preparations
- Safe and smooth travel with a toddler as well as a productive trip
- Smooth application process for American citizenship
- Josiah Venture to expand to Eastern Germany this calendar year!

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