Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Chance to Share

After a few days of recovery, we entered back into our normal routines here in Carol Stream. For all of you who have asked about my well-being: I am doing just fine and so is the baby. We needed a few days to relax but are back to normal. Thank you for your concern.

This past Sunday, we had a chance to share our mission plans with the congregation of Village Church of Oak Park. Donny, a former co-worker, attends this church and made the connection for us. We were given a few minutes during the worship service, which mainly served as a teaser and invite to a missions-focused breakfast at Donny's house this Saturday. We'd appreciate your prayers that this breakfast gathering would be well attended and that God would stir in the hearts of those He would like to add to our financial support team. On Sunday alone, we were able to hand out 12 support letters as a follow-up to conversations after the service. Please, pray for fruit here as well.

Would your church allow us to speak to your congregation for a few minutes on a Sunday morning? We would really appreciate this chance to broaden our reach to a new group of believers who may be as passionate as we are to see young people in Eastern Germany come to know Christ. And we really enjoy hearing about your church's heart and passion for your community at the same time!

Below a picture of the JV Eastern Germany Team with Dave Patty at the youth hostel in Leipzig. Anyone eager to join us?

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