Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas

Frohe Weihnachten!

We wish all of you a merry Christmas and wonderful celebration of the birth of our Savior! We are thankful for all He has done for us, in coming to this earth to seek and save us.

We have loved our first few months out in the country. Life here is relaxing - at least most of the time. We've had a few adventures in the pasts weeks including getting stranded at church with a dying car battery - and rescued by a caring member of the church who allowed us the use of his truck for a night so Joel could fix the battery the following day. (And by God's grace this happened the day before the weather turned from normal-wintery to icy cold.)
We also went without power most of this past Sunday but found refuge at our friends' house until our house was warm and lit again.

We have joined a young adult small group on Tuesday night and love it. Eliana and Johanna come with us and play with the other kids while we study Philippians with the others.

God has also provided a few new supporters these last two months. Joel has been busy coordinating the addition of new team members we hope to announce soon.

And here is a glimpse of a fun moment in one of my days: