Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Say What?!

Here is a picture of Eliana reading. Why is that newsworthy? Because Eliana doesn’t like to be read to or read books. She may look at the pictures but the cadence of reading seems to bother her.

In our last prayer letter, we slid in a little prayer request for Eliana’s speech and several of you caught it and asked for details. Eliana is turning three in April and she is a bright, fun loving girl but we noticed that her speech had not been advancing very much this past year. We brought this up to our pediatrician and within a month, Eliana was tested by a local agency and is now receiving weekly speech therapy at home. Within a week of our first session, Eliana started saying more two and three word phrases without prompting and began using verbs. And today we witnessed her reading to herself, repeating some phrases for each page and even reiterating what she remembered of the few favorite books we read with her regularly.

When Eliana turns three in just a few weeks, she will go to a special preschool for a few hours a day to enhance these skills to soon catch up to an age appropriate level of speech.

We appreciate your prayers for wisdom as we now have several people watching Eliana’s every move and sometimes possible over-interpreting things. We are asking the Lord for insight into our daughter and are thankful in a brand new way that He knows the number of hairs on our head (Luke 12:7).