Friday, September 9, 2011

The 30/30 Sleep Talk Challenge!

So, Joel sleep talks!

This morning as Eliana and I were getting up, Joel's head pops off the pillow and he explains to us, "Also, when you think youth ministry, think ages 13-30.." He trailed off when he realized we already know this :-)

It's part of his usual explanation about the Josiah Venture ministry, going into detail on the word "youth" in Josiah Venture's vision statement: 
A movement of God among the YOUTH of Eastern Europe that finds its home in the local church and transforms society.

Now that was his first time talking in his sleep about fundraising but how often does he talk in his sleep??

Oh, if we had a dollar for every time Joel sleep talks!!

Seriously! Are you willing to give us a dollar for every night Joel sleep talks? That pretty much comes to $30 a month.

We are looking for 30 people to support the JV ministry in Eastern Germany at $30/month. Will you be one of them? 

You know, sometimes Joel talks in his sleep multiple times a night, so if you are able, consider supporting us at $60, $90, or $120 a month. Thank you for helping us get overseas!

You can give to our ministry at:

Still got questions about our ministry?
Email us at or

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