Monday, December 19, 2011

Envisioning the day...

We received a beautiful email from Friedemann Volke, the pastor of the German church we will be joining upon our arrival. He told us about a work day at their daughter-church, working to finish some rooms in the building. He says that as he looks at the rooms which are still filled with construction material and covered in dirt, he envisions us doing youth ministry training there one day. (I hope not too much of the sentiment is lost in translation.)

Together with another church, they have also begun preparations for next summer's church camps - their theme: Robin Hood (seems to focus on standing up for what is right). Currently, their camps are for a young audience: 9-12 year olds, and 12-15 year old. We join Friedemann in his hopes that we will be able to add an English camp for high school age students during the summer of 2013.

To be a part of making that happen, go to and please remember to pray for us!

To read more about Josiah Venture's youth ministry training programs in Eastern Europe, click here.
To read more about English camps, click here and consider reading some of these JV blogs about last summer's camps:
            Collision with Christ
            What is JV Doing This Summer
            An Unlikely Story

And for your personal enjoyment, here is a banner for the Leipzig church summer camp:

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Are you excited?

I love this commercial because it reminds me of how excited I am about being a part of God's kingdom work. How about you? Are you the guy who can't contain his excitement or the one wondering what's wrong with him? I hope that all of us will be contagiously excited about being a part of God's plan for His people.

This commercial also expresses how absolutely psyched Joel and I are about the opportunity to go to Eastern Germany with Josiah Venture. We can't wait to be a part of what God is doing among the young people in Leipzig!

Would you continue to pray for us as we prepare to go? We are still in need of much financial support, so would you remember us in your year-end giving and your financial plans for 2012? And when you become a part of our team through prayer and/or financial support, I hope you get just as psyched about what God is doing through you in former East Germany!