Wednesday, January 4, 2012

More Than a Place to Live

Do any of you have strange "hobbies"? Well, I (Ellen) have to confess to one: I like looking at apartment listings online, just for fun. I have been looking at apartments in Leipzig for a while - first for budget research and later just because I get a kick out of looking at floor plans. (Yes, I did want to be an architect for a while until God guided me another way.)

Our first apartment in Germany will be more than just our home. It will also be our office and a meeting space for the whole Josiah Venture Germany team. In the future, we may even get a chance to house an intern or missions trip visitor. And as even now, we will be using this space to minister to young people in the church.

The cost for rent and utilities for this type of apartment in Leipzig will be about $1500 (or 1150 Euros). That is about 18% of our monthly budget. That is our support raising goal this months!

To raise this amount, we will need 30 people to donate $50 a month or 15 people giving $100 a month. Would you consider being one of these supporters?

Thank you for being a part of our ministry through your prayers and encouragement. To become a part of our support team as a financial supporter, please click here.

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