Friday, February 17, 2012

Ups and Downs

February started out with the celebration of my (Ellen's) spiritual birthday about which you heard in detail. Thank you for your many encouraging comments on my testimony in person or via Facebook.

Also, during the first week, we had the privilege of seeing two of our old Moody friends: Bethany, who I had not seen in 5 years, and our dear friend Ashley, who come to stay with us overnight. This time with friends was encouraging and refreshing.  

During this past week both of us have experienced what felt like spiritual attacks in form of discouragement and stress that left us less than productive. After sharing this with friends, we have felt the effects of their prayers and been uplifted.

Please, continue to pray for us as we spend time as a family, minister at church and at work, and as we raise support. We are beyond grateful for your support.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Happy (Spiritual) Birthday!

Twelve years ago today, a wonderful woman named Lorraine Holt took me out to lunch to talk to me about becoming a CEF 5-day club leader for the summer. During the conversation, she noticed that I had not yet made a decision to live for Christ, so she pulled out the Wordless Book - a tool CEF leaders use to explain the gospel to young children.

She told me about God's holiness and heaven using the gold page. Then she turned to the dark page and talked about sin, the devil, and a place called hell. She must have noticed a puzzled look on my face. See, I didn't believe in the devil or in hell. My whole life, the argument for their existent had been the necessity of a counterpart to God and heaven and I simply didn't like that argument.

Lorraine asked me, "Do you have a question?" This is where I paused. I was curious about her beliefs and those of the other members of the church I had been attending with my host family. But I considered simply sneaking my way into the training program for the summer leaders and finding out then. That's when the Holy Spirit clearly stirred in my heart: "No, ask her right now!"

"I don't really believe in the devil and in hell," I told Lorraine.

"But the Bible says so," she said and that was all the argument it took to convince me because - somehow - I have always believed in the authority of Scripture.

Lorraine went on to talk about Christ's sacrifice on the cross for us using the red page. I had known my whole life that Christ died for our sins but it finally made sense why He had to! Why would He have to die if not to save us from the punishment we deserve in our sin? In my spiritual blindness, I had never before asked that question.

She turned to the clean page and told me about how I could be right with God and be forgiven for my sin. We went out to her car to pray. With my limited English knowledge I don't think I realized what we were about to pray for. But as I repeated after Lorraine, I meant every word. I asked God to forgive me for my sins and asked Him to become the ruler of my life.

After a big hug, Lorraine drove me home. I went to my bedroom and prayed the prayer again in my own words. Lorraine had told me to write that day's date in my Bible: February 7th, 2000. Because I wasn't yet sure what had just happened and if it would be permanent, I was looking for a pencil. After all, if something would change in a day or so, I could just erase the date. However, though I clearly remembered seeing a pencil next to my bed early that day, I could only find a pen. Once again that day, I heard the Holy Spirit assure me: "Go ahead and write the date in pen. This change is permanent."

Praise God, who saves our souls and changes our lives for good! I love celebrating my spiritual birthday every year and remembering His forgiveness, His giving me life and adopting me as a daughter into His family. 

Praise God with me today and be someone else's Lorraine Holt!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Josiah Venture on Facebook

Josiah Venture now has a new Facebook page. If you have a Facebook account, we encourage you to look around the page and "like" Josiah Venture. If you do, you will receive updates such as new blog posts by Josiah Venture president Dave Patty, current prayer needs overseas, and opportunities to serve.

Also, check out two videos posted on the page:
"Model Maker" - A brief description of how a JV missionary in the model maker position spends their time. This is the ministry role every long-term missionary begins in, including us: language learning, interaction with students and the local church. (If you don't see the video displayed right away in the 'video' menu, click 'See All')
"Josiah Venture Story: Dave Patty" - JV President Dave Patty shares the story of Josiah Venture to a group of summer interns at the JV training and conference center Malenovice in Eastern Czech.

January was exciting for us, bringing us very close to being 25% funded. We are so thankful to everyone who has joined our support team. It means a lot to us to know that you believe in us and our mission overseas.

For this month, we are asking God to provide us with 10 new individuals/ families to join our support team through prayer and/or financial support. We do not want to launch into what is ahead of us without having the Church as our support. We need your prayers! We need your financial help!

If you would like to commit to praying for us or have already been doing so, would you let us know?! Please, reply to this post, send us an email ( or, or contact us another way to let us know you are praying for us? We would love to know and are keeping track of how many of you have committed to praying for us.

If you would like to support us financially, you can do so by going to and entering "Hopkins" into the search box.