Sunday, May 6, 2012

The zeal of a new believer

I (Ellen) was 17 when I became a believer. And while that means I lived 17 years building ungodly habits without knowing it, it also means that I still remember the day I became a believer (see my post in February) and I remember how my life changed. I was excitedly purging my life of ungodly things and I couldn't wait to tell everyone about my new-found hope. Sure, I got funny looks when I told some of my friends about my beliefs and I know there was gossip going around school about my having become a religious person. But I remember welcoming it, knowing that with every piece of gossip, a piece of the gospel may also be proclaimed unknowingly.

It seems the routine of daily life and the here-and-now concerns often cover up my desire to share God's love with others. I find myself selfishly seeking my own rights instead of surrendering all for the advancement of God's kingdom. That's why I love thinking back to my young believer self and learn from her zeal for proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ.

That's why I love this story of a young man from Estonia who shares his testimony of coming to realize that the gospels touches every aspect of his life and that therefore, he simply has to share it with the people of his country.

May we be encouraged to think and do likewise.
(If you are unable to watch this video, go to

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