Saturday, August 18, 2012

Youth Service

Last Sunday, Joel and our youth group organized our church's first ever youth service. The high school students and our leaders were in charge of everything from announcements to leading worship and communion time. Joel preached. The topic the group chose was "loving God from the inside out." The group did a fantastic job leading our congregation in an enjoyable and worshipful service.

We saw the students we have invested in over the last few years take this opportunity to minister to the church body. We feel privileged to be called by God to equip young people for future service - here and hopefully soon in Eastern Germany.

Thank you for your prayers as we are trusting our Creator and ultimate Provider! We know the timing of our arrival in Eastern Germany is in His hands. He has been so gracious to us over the last few weeks and we can't wait to share details with you at a more appropriate time.

For now, suffice it to say that God is working on us and through us right here, where He has currently planted us!

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