Friday, November 22, 2013

Deep Dive

If we want to be effective ministers, we have to understand the culture in which we are serving. When we minister on the mission field, this will take time and lots of interaction with people... and sometimes some intentional research!

Josiah Venture did an intensive research project among 6 out of its 12 countries. They began by asking each of the country's JV missionaries and leaders to identify a predominant barrier to ministry they have encountered over the years and to form a question they set out to answer.

Slovenia: How do Slovene youth engage in groups?
Poland: What is the road to becoming a youth ministry "motor"  in the emerging generation in Poland?
Slovakia: What is the nature of emerging generation in Slovakia?
Ukraine: What is happening in the hearts of Ukrainian young people after English Camp?
Estonia: What makes followers of Christ equippers of youth?
Czech Republic: How are young leaders grown and developed in the local church? How are they growing and developing new leaders?

download here
Each team set out to conduct interviews with youth and young leaders in their country of ministry. The results are compiled in the recently published book "Deep Dive", which is now also available on Kindle. The book will normally be available for 99 cents - the lowest amazon allows it to be offered - but it is FREE to download this weekend. I encourage you to download this book today. I have only cracked the virtual cover but am enjoying learning about youth culture in Eastern Europe. It's well done research. Enjoy!

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