Friday, January 24, 2014

Introducing our new team mates: the Franks

After months of only alluding to the newest addition to the JV Eastern Germany team, we are finally able to introduce you to them. Reggie and Kim Frank were accepted as part of our team a couple of weeks ago.

Their process started over a year ago when they approached Josiah Venture about their desire to serve overseas long term. Last spring, they attended the JV conference in the Czech Republic and visited various teams in several JV countries. They felt The Lord leading them to Germany even though they were not able to visit with us there.

Josiah Venture knows the importance of team unity so before a paper application is handed out, potential missionaries need an invitation by the country leader. We loved Reggie and Kim from the first Skype call on. They both have a heart for relational ministry and are talented in many areas.

Reggie and Kim have four children - Kaitlyn (in College), Alex (high school junior), and twins Ryan and Lauren (5th grade). The whole family led their church in a JV English camp last summer and every one of them is excited to move overseas to work with Josiah Venture full time.

Reggie and Kim will support a local church's youth ministry as well as launch Fusion camps in Eastern Germany. They are musically gifted and talented in graphic design. Their desire to is get to Germany in 2015. Until then they appreciate your prayers as they fund-raise and prepare their family for the mission field. It's never easy to move your kids to a new culture in middle school. While Ryan and Lauren are on board and excited, please pray for their transition especially.

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