Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Gift of Time

I, Ellen, Mom of two little ones, completed the following today: grocery list, tax forms (or as much info as I have), emails, work on a new support letter, began planning a potential fundraising trip, looked over a team member's budget question, shut my eyes for just a few minutes.

How was I able to do all that? We have been given the gift of time by a wonderful young woman named Malia who had volunteered to watch our kids one afternoon a week while Joel and I get some missions related work done. Wow. We are so grateful!!

I am naturally a doer and miss being able to sit at my desk and get work done for hours at a time. It's actually re-energizing. So join us in praising the Lord for Malia's help!

Ways to pray for us throughout the week and on Thursday afternoons:
- Use this time productively
- For Joel throughout the week to be able to focus on fundraising
- For energy and wisdom as we raise our precious girls
- If it is the Lord's will, for the remainder of the financial support to come by the end of the summer
- And pray a special blessing on Malia for her help to us!

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