Thursday, February 13, 2014

Our IL trip

While traveling with kids is hard, we are so glad we all got to visit our friends and new team members in the Chicago area this past weekend. It was wonderful to reconnect with our congregation there and our team mates, the Millers. That time seemed to pass all too quickly!

We also met Reggie and Kim Frank in person and wish we would have been able to spend more time with them. Unfortunately, after two night of getting little and poor sleep, Eliana was a giant mess the whole time and just wanted to go back to the car to sleep. We rejoice in knowing we will get to spend plenty of time with the Franks down the road and are thankful for technologies like Skype.

We also met with another potential team mate, whom we hope to introduce to you soon.

All in all, a worthwhile and wonderful weekend for the Josiah Venture Eastern Germany team. We appreciate your prayers for all members of our team during each of our fundraising journeys which are filled with hope and disappointment, prayer and questions, and lots of other mixed emotions.

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