Friday, October 3, 2014

Education in Leipzig

At times, a missionary family may have to make sacrifices but we have an opportunity to share a blessing with you: the promised quality of public school education in Leipzig. -- I know positive news about public school education is kind of a rarity, so all the more reason to rejoice!

Saxony's education system placed 1st in a 2014 study of all German states. Among their top qualities are the individualized advancement of students, their popular university, and their educational opportunities for at-risk youth. Those include after school programs and school forms with extended days. You can begin praying that we would be able to work within those schools, become a part of their after-school activities, as well as invest in many of the university students.

Of course, we are also thankful to hear that our daughters will be able to attend good schools and receive quality education. Pray for us as we plan to continue to supplement their education at home to teach them about God and a biblical worldview.

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