Monday, July 29, 2013

Immigration Interview

Thank you for praying for my immigration interview this morning. All went well; I passed and had all the needed documents on me. The questions were fairly simple and my reading and writing portion were the sentences "Where is the White House?" and "The White House is in Washington D.C." - hopefully manageable after attending College in the US! I had been concerned about not having had a certain form I was advised to bring to the meeting but my interviewer did not ask for it!

I am now waiting to receive my appointment for the naturalization ceremony, which will actually make me a citizen of the United States. We will keep you updated.
As I was leaving the building this morning, I was thinking that I will soon actually be done with dealing with Visa issues - until I realized we may have similar issues for Joel once we get to Germany! In the meantime, I am thankful for a smooth interview today and an end in sight for this part of the journey. It has been a long process of paperwork, fees, and often confusion.

We were also blessed to have Joel's mother and grandmother visiting today and they were kind enough to watch the kids while I took the train downtown for the interview - and actually enjoyed some kid free time by reading uninterruptedly. A wonderful blessing for me!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!

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