Wednesday, October 16, 2013

From Johanna's Perspective

Hello, this is baby Johanna reporting for Mama (or maybe it's the other way around; I get confused). Here is what has been happening in our family:

A while ago, Mama started putting all kinds of things in boxes. Big sister helped her by taking out some things that Mama must have put in the wrong box.

One night, we left in the car really late and I fell asleep right away.
When I woke up, we were at Oma Lorel's. The next morning, we drove to an empty house and later Dada came with all of our boxes. I was kind of sleeping at this point again (sorry, I do that a lot so I'm not the best reporter) but I think there were lots of people here helping bring in the boxes.

Then Mama started taking all kinds of things out of the boxes again. I'm telling you, this world is strange place. But I think this is our new house. I like it here. Big sister, Mama and I go outside sometimes and there are big animals that big sister and Mama call "moo" and everything looks beautiful outside. Big sister and I also have a play room downstairs with toys and a baby swing and a colorful blanket on the floor. Now, if you know me, I prefer just smiling at Mama and Dada while they hold me but those other things are fun, too.

I heard Mama tell big sister that we are going to move again one day - to Eastern Germany. She sounded very excited about that, so you should help us get there if you can. I think Mama and Dada can tell you how.

I'm getting sleepy again, so I'm gonna go but Mama says to say, our new address is:
7046B N Lowell Rd
St Johns, MI 44879

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