Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Lots of Love

We are feeling loved during this bitter-sweet week of goodbyes and upcoming new beginnings.

On Sunday, we celebrated 6.5 years with Village Bible Church with a luncheon that included some wonderful people saying very loving things about us and the impact we had on their families. In return, we were able to thank this congregation for lavishing us with love and being our extended family as we lived away from our relatives. We have been invited to holiday meals, have gleaned from wisdom of many, and benefited from much prayer and practical support. Even this week, many are helping us get ready for the move. We are leaving behind a congregation we consider family and know we will delight in reconnecting when able to visit in the future.

Meanwhile, our new congregation in Michigan is supplying some basic groceries to wait for us at our new home. Members are also providing some furniture to replace a few pieces we didn't think would make the trip to Michigan with us. We are looking forward to reconnecting, meeting new people, and introducing our girls to a new church.

Please, pray for all of us as we make this transition. Besides the challenges of any move (missing old friends, being intentional about making new friends, finding new stores and doctors etc), we are also shifting from a suburban to a rural area. I have never lived in this culture and that far away from stores and will need some practice in preparing grocery lists that don't have me running back the next day for things I forgot. We are still uncertain as to the quality of Internet available for our new home, which will be another challenge for us as Joel will need to use Skype for fundraising - and that it also how I keep in touch with my family in Germany. We are also using this opportunity to put Eliana in a big girl bed and would appreciate prayers for that transition as well. I am sure Johanna will take it the easiest :-)

This will be a great way to practice transitioning as a family. Once we move to Germany, we will have to get used to new things and even though I grew up in Germany, I have been assured on numerous occasions that it will take awhile to understand the culture of former East Germany. God has blessed us with personalities that welcome change as exciting challenges and opportunities for great new things. And yet, we appreciate your prayers these next few weeks.

We are thankful that God has surrounded us with so many loving people both in Illinois and Michigan and that we are making a big step towards the mission field with this move. 

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