Thursday, January 10, 2013

Welcoming New Team Mates

Just this Monday we received a phone call from JV's Vice President, Mel Ellenwood, informing us that Josiah Venture Germany has just gained new team members.

We met Jim and Lina Miller several weeks ago as they met with us in their role as Member Care Missionaries for Josiah Venture's "B-Team" (Barnabas Team). Towards the end of this encouraging time with them, they mentioned that they were still praying about their next step with Josiah Venture and we started wondering...

Yes, they were considering joining our team even then and we are delighted to have a couple like them come to Eastern Germany with us.

Jim MillerJim and Lina Miller worked with Josiah Venture in the early years after having served with Dave and Connie Patty at Cadence Ministry on a military base in Germany. Back then, Josiah Venture was still a part of International Teams. Jim and Lina spend some years in the Czech Republic before working in International Team's HR department stateside.  They are both very relational and enjoy member care and disciple-making.

Currently, they are serving Josiah Venture as a vessel of encouragement to other missionaries as they continue to raise their full support needed to move to Germany and allowing their youngest son to graduate high school in 2014.

You can read a little more about them on the Josiah Venture webpage at

We are hoping for a joined vision trip to Leipzig in the upcoming months and appreciate your prayers as we get to know each others' gifts and dreams. Above all, PRAISE GOD FOR THIS ANSWER TO PRAYER.

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